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Sun. 26 Sep, 2010

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Mon. 27 Sep, 2010

Seminars by candidates for FoAss positions

Mon. 27 Sep, 2010 14:00 - 17:00
Seminars by candidates for FoAss positions in
Tree genomics/bioinformatics
Place: KBF31, Fysiologihuset

14.00 Nathaniel Street, Umeå Plant Science Centre
Spaghetti: Tastes good if you don't mind the mess
15.00 Stacey Lee Thompson, California State University, Los Angeles
The comparative genomics of adaptation for forest trees
16.00 Andreas Sjödin, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Umeå
Seeing the unseen: Microbial forensics in the age of next generation sequencing

Tue. 28 Sep, 2010

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Wed. 29 Sep, 2010

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Thu. 30 Sep, 2010

Presentation of Master/Diploma thesis - Andrea Claes

Thu. 30 Sep, 2010 15:00 - 16:00
Characterization of mutants in the ACTIN-INTERACTING PROTEIN 1-2 (AIP1-2) gene of Arabidopsis thaliana and of AIP1-1 and AIP1-2 protein interactions

Andrea Claes
Place: KBF30, UPSC

Fri. 1 Oct, 2010

Dissertation - Mikael Johansson

Fri. 1 Oct, 2010 10:00 - 13:00
The Circadian Clock in Annuals and Perennials
Coordination of Growth with Environmental Rhythms
Mikael Johansson, Department of Plant Physiology, Umeå university
Place: KB3B1, KBC

Opponent: Dr. Seth J. Davis, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Köln, Germany

Sat. 2 Oct, 2010

There are no events on this day.