Dear forest tree genomics community,
This page contains important information about the Forest Tree Workshop to be held at the Plant and Animal Genome XXII (PAG XXII) conference on Sunday, January 12, 2014 in San Diego.
Please forward the a link to this page to others who may be interested.
As coordinators of the Forest Tree Workshop and deputies of IUFRO Working Party 2.04.10 -Tree Genomics, we (Jeanne Romero-Severson, Nathaniel Street, and Larry Smart), are carrying on the tradition of organizing a community-based PAG Forest Tree Workshop that provides a forum for presentation of the latest results in forest tree genomics by PIs, postdocs, and students. This will be the first year of our 3-year term as coordinators.
As in recent years, we are contacting all possible participants to solicit draft abstracts to be considered for oral presentation at the workshop. We will then screen these abstracts for the most appropriate work to be presented at the workshop, taking into account the quality of the science, novelty of the results, and organismal, geographic, and research group diversity. As is customary for this workshop, we will particularly strive to provide opportunities for early-career researchers to present their work, so please encourage your students and postdocs to submit abstracts.
Those selected for oral presentations by this process will then be asked to submit abstracts as invited speakers directly to PAG no later than November 1, 2013.
If you wish your work to be considered for an oral presentation at the PAG XXII Forest Tree Workshop, you MUST submit a draft abstract using this web form NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 13, 2013.
Selected speakers will be informed byOCT. 21 that they can submit their abstracts to PAG on-line either as invited speakers in the Forest Tree Workshop or as posters (final abstracts due by NOV 1; PAG XXII early bird registration deadline also NOV 1).
Thank you for your interest and participation in the workshop. We look forward to receiving your abstracts.
Best wishes,
Larry Smart, Nathaniel Street, and Jeanne Romero-Severson
Submit abstracts below:
The submission has closed: