Seminar: Christian Meyer
Tuesday, November 15, 2016 14:00 - 15:00
1 Hour
UPSC Seminar
Speaker: Christian Meyer
Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, UMR 1318 INRA AgroParisTech, Saclay Plant Sciences, Versailles, France
Title: The roles of the conserved TOR kinase in the regulation of plant growth and metabolism
Host: Johannes Hanson
Room: KB.E3.01 (formerly KB3A9)
Speaker: Christian Meyer
Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, UMR 1318 INRA AgroParisTech, Saclay Plant Sciences, Versailles, France
Title: The roles of the conserved TOR kinase in the regulation of plant growth and metabolism
Host: Johannes Hanson
Room: KB.E3.01 (formerly KB3A9)