Month Flat Week Day
Friday, June 12, 2020 10:00 - 14:00
4 Hours
Please note that the time has moved to 10:00 o'clock

PhD thesis defence

Bastian Schiffthaler
Department of Plant Physiology

Title: Embracing the Data Flood - Integrating Diverse Data to Improve Phenotype Association Discovery in Forest Trees

Faculty opponent: Marek Mutwil, The School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Supervisor: Nathaniel Street

The public dissertation will be broadcasted live via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 648 6133 2450
Password: 863393

Please join the meeting in time. When joining, you will first come to a waiting room before being able to join the defence (it will be released after the start of the defence). Please stay muted with no video. If you want to ask a question during the public question time at the end of the defence, send a message in the chat clearly stating that you have a question (e.g. like "I have a question"). You will then be unmuted that you can ask your question.