Skeppsvik 1920 1080Illustration: Carolin Seyfferth

Welcome to the PhD and Postdoc Retreat 2018 in Skeppsvik!

We would like to invite you to the UPSC PhD and Postdoc Retreat 2018. It will take place on August 23-24 in Skeppsvik herrgård (close to Sävar, 30km outside of Umeå;

During the retreat, we will discuss our individual research projects in a relaxed atmosphere using creative presentation methods. We will have a problem solving and a community building session. The highlight will be an interactive workshop with an invited speaker.  

You will also have the possibility to use the spa, to rent a kayak for exploring the "Skärgården" or to just make walks in the surrounding of Skeppsvik herrgård.  The number of kayaks is limited (it will cost approximately 250 SEK per person) and there will be no official introduction on how to use the kayak.    

NOTE: There are only 45 beds available and the number of participants to the symposium is limited to 50. First comes, first serves!

The organisation committee
Domenique André, Anirban Baral, Ruben Casanova, Yohann Daguerre, Thomas Dobrenel, Marta Juvany, Carolin Seyfferth, Noemi Skorzinski

The registration is closed. Please contact someone from the organising committee if you like to join the retreat.