stefan janssonStefan Jansson UPSC.
Picture: Johan Gunséus
The professor at Umeå Plant Science Centre receives a personnel prize worth 400.000 kr at the annual meeting of the "Kunglig Fysiografiska Sällskapet" 2nd December 2013 in Lund. The prize committee honours Stefan Jansson as "undoubtedly one of Sweden's most prominent (and also most cited) plant physiologists. He has also published popular science articles and
and has in recent years been very active in the GMO debate." Furthermore the committee mentions in it's laudatio that Stefan Jansson has internationally a strong research position especially in the area of regulation of ​​photosynthetic light harvesting in plants. Especially Jansson's field studies are of very high-quality and internationally widely recognised.

Stefan Jansson's research group:
UmUs press release (in Swedish only):
Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet i Lund (in Swedish):