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KBC-Days 2009

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The KBC Days 2009 will take place on 16-17 November 2009

All members of the KBC-Departments are welcome to two days of communication, celebration and inspiration. We cordially invite our research partners and friends who like to learn more about our centre.

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Umeå Renewable Energy workshop 2010

Tue. 16 Mar, 2010 8:30 - Wed. 17 Mar, 2010 16:30
It is well recognized that due to limited resources and climate change societies world wide need to move away from relying on fossil fuels for heating, electricity and mobility towards employing renewable energy resources.
At Umeå University several groups are working on different renewable energy related projects that range from improving biomass production on the gene to ecosystem levels, over biophysical studies of the mechanisms of energy relevant enzymes to studying artificial catalysts for watersplitting, H2-production and devices for lightharvesting.
This workshop aims at raising the awareness about this research among graduate students, postdocs and all researchers at UmU, as well as within Sweden and abroad.
Four outstanding invited speakers from the USA, Germany, Finland and Stockholm will also bring new expertise to Umeå University.
