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Sun. 24 Jan, 2010

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Mon. 25 Jan, 2010

Seminar - Dr Harry Brummer

Mon. 25 Jan, 2010 15:00 - 16:00
Title: Molecular insight into xyloglucan degradation and re-arrangement in plant cell walls
Dr. Harry Brummer, School of Biotechnology, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), AlbaNova University Centre, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Place: KB3B3, KBC

Tue. 26 Jan, 2010

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Wed. 27 Jan, 2010

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Thu. 28 Jan, 2010

Seminar - Dr Muriel Bardor

Thu. 28 Jan, 2010 15:00 - 16:00
Title: Plant glycobiology : new data from microalgae study
by Dr. Muriel Bardor, Glyco-MEV, Université de Rouen, SCUEOR, Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex, France
Place: KB3A9, KBC

Fri. 29 Jan, 2010

Dissertation - Stefan Burén

Fri. 29 Jan, 2010 10:00 - 13:00
Title: Targeting and function of CAH1 – characterization of a novel protein pathway to the plant cell
by Stefan Burén, Department of Plant Physiology, Umeå University
Place: KB3A9, KBC

Opponent: Dr Muriel Bardor, Université de Rouen, CNRS UMR 6037, SCUEOR, 76 821 Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex, France

Sat. 30 Jan, 2010

There are no events on this day.