Mon. 14 Oct, 2019 - Sun. 20 Oct, 2019
Mon. 14 Oct, 2019
UPSC Monday Seminar 2019
Mon. 14 Oct, 2019 9:00 - 10:00
UPSC Monday Seminarseries 2019
9:00 Chanaka Mannapperuma
Department of Plant Physiology
Title: An update on PlantGenIE and integrating the PLAZA resource
Supervisor: Nathaniel Street
9:30 Maxime Chantreau
Department of Plant Physiology
Title: Regulation of the contrasted lignification pattern between vessels and neighboring cells
Supervisor: Hannele Tuominen
Place: Lilla hörsalen
Time: 9:00-10:00
Contact: Anne Honsel
9:00 Chanaka Mannapperuma
Department of Plant Physiology
Title: An update on PlantGenIE and integrating the PLAZA resource
Supervisor: Nathaniel Street
9:30 Maxime Chantreau
Department of Plant Physiology
Title: Regulation of the contrasted lignification pattern between vessels and neighboring cells
Supervisor: Hannele Tuominen
Place: Lilla hörsalen
Time: 9:00-10:00
Contact: Anne Honsel
Thu. 17 Oct, 2019
UPSC Seminar: Paul Hudson
Thu. 17 Oct, 2019 14:00 - 15:00
UPSC Seminar
Paul Hudson
Systems Biology, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Title: Synthetic and systems biology of cyanobacteria empowered with the CRISPRi tool
Host: Åsa Strand
More information about Paul Hudson's research:
Abstract for the talk:
Our group is using the inducible gene-repression tool CRISPRi in Synechocystis for multiple projects in metabolic engineering and systems biology. We have exploited the multiplex capability (6 sgRNAs) of CRISPRi to rapidly screen the effect of eliminating competing pathways on fatty alcohol production. In this case, we observed regulatory “compensation” when repressing genes around the acyl-ACP node. An inducible CRISPRi allows controlled repression of essential genes, and we have used repression of citrate synthase to arrest growth and direct flux to lactate, where specific productivities are increased several fold. I will discuss how sgRNA libraries, combined with droplet-based cell sorting for lactate secretion, can be used to find better strategies for arresting growth while keeping CO2 fixation high. Finally, I will give an example of how we use CRISPRi repression of enzymes to force accumulation of a metabolite, and perform subsequent transcriptomics to uncover metabolite-responsive gene regulation.
Paul Hudson
Systems Biology, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Title: Synthetic and systems biology of cyanobacteria empowered with the CRISPRi tool
Host: Åsa Strand
More information about Paul Hudson's research:
Abstract for the talk:
Our group is using the inducible gene-repression tool CRISPRi in Synechocystis for multiple projects in metabolic engineering and systems biology. We have exploited the multiplex capability (6 sgRNAs) of CRISPRi to rapidly screen the effect of eliminating competing pathways on fatty alcohol production. In this case, we observed regulatory “compensation” when repressing genes around the acyl-ACP node. An inducible CRISPRi allows controlled repression of essential genes, and we have used repression of citrate synthase to arrest growth and direct flux to lactate, where specific productivities are increased several fold. I will discuss how sgRNA libraries, combined with droplet-based cell sorting for lactate secretion, can be used to find better strategies for arresting growth while keeping CO2 fixation high. Finally, I will give an example of how we use CRISPRi repression of enzymes to force accumulation of a metabolite, and perform subsequent transcriptomics to uncover metabolite-responsive gene regulation.
Sat. 19 Oct, 2019
SLU-dagen / SLU Open house
Sat. 19 Oct, 2019 12:00 - 15:00
More information can be found here (only in Swedish):