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Sun. 9 Feb, 2020

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Mon. 10 Feb, 2020

UPSC Monday Seminar 2020

Mon. 10 Feb, 2020 9:00 - 10:00
UPSC Monday Seminarseries 2020

9:00 Félix Barbut

Title: Role of xylan structure in secondary cell wall integrity sensing in Aspen and Arabidopsis

Supervisor: Ewa Mellerowicz

9:30 Sam van Es

Title: The master floral regulator LEAFY, how does it do what it does?

Supervisor: Markus Schmid

Place: Lilla hörsalen
Time: 9:00-10:00

Contact: Anne Honsel

UPSC all meeting

Mon. 10 Feb, 2020 10:15 - 11:15

Tue. 11 Feb, 2020

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Wed. 12 Feb, 2020

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Thu. 13 Feb, 2020

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Fri. 14 Feb, 2020

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Sat. 15 Feb, 2020

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