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Sun. 19 Apr, 2020

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Mon. 20 Apr, 2020

UPSC Monday Seminar 2020

Mon. 20 Apr, 2020 9:00 - 10:00
UPSC Monday Seminarseries 2020

9:00 Anne Bünder

Title: CSI1 a cellulose biosynthesis linked protein - Its effects on wood mechanical properties and potential relevance for nanocellulose production

Supervisor: Totte Niittylä

9:30 Raghuram Badmi

Title: Root apex remodeling in Populus during formation of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis

Supervisor: Judith Felten

Place: Online
Time: 9:00-10:00

Contact: Anne Honsel

Departmental meeting genfys (SLU) (APT möte)

Mon. 20 Apr, 2020 10:15 - 11:15

Tue. 21 Apr, 2020

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Wed. 22 Apr, 2020

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Thu. 23 Apr, 2020

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Fri. 24 Apr, 2020

PhD Thesis Defence: Irena Fundová

Fri. 24 Apr, 2020 9:00 - 13:00
Thesis defence

Irena Fundová
Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology

Title: Quantitative genetics of wood quality traits in Scots pine

Faculty opponent: Philippe Rozenberg, Department of Forest, Grassland and Freshwater Ecology, French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE), France

Supervisor: Harry Xiaming Wu

The public dissertation will be broadcasted live on

Sat. 25 Apr, 2020

There are no events on this day.