All users are reminded to acknowledge in publications, presentations and posters on the role of the facilities and expertise.
"The authors acknowledge the facilities and technical assistance of the Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC) Microscopy Facility”
The microscopy facilities at UPSC include a broad range of equipment for sample preparation, subsequent analysis and image acquisition. We work with different sample sizes, starting from thick sections (hundret of μm) semi thin sections (20 to 0.5 um) and even with ultrathin sections or nanoresolution (AFM). Users of the microscopy facilities can perform their experiments after appropriate introduction to the different instruments. We are here to introduce you to fascinating micrsocopy woarld, to advise, to give a proper training according to your needs and to advice during experiental procedures.
Available equipment:
1. Microscopes
Three Zeiss Axioplan (fluorescence) microscopes with digital camera systems
Epifluorescence microscope Leica DMi8 fully motorized with two digital cameras
Fluorescence stereomicroscope Leica M205 FA fully motorized with two digital cameras and Leica AFL III
2. Confocal laser scanning microscopes
(CSLM)A. Zeiss LSM780 CLSM with inverted stand
Zeiss LSM880 CLSM with airyscan, airyfast, FLIM, FCS, FCCS and inverted stand
Zeiss LSM800 CLSM with airyscan and upright stand
Leica Stellaris 8 DIVE
Nikon AZ-Z2 vertical macroconfocal
Macroconfocal Leica LSI HSC
Image analysis computer with full version of Zeiss and Leica softwares
3. Atomic Force Microscope
NanoWizard® 4 XP BioScience, BioScience with VortisTM2 Advanced version SPM Controller, HybridStageTM, DirectOverlayTM 2 software module and QITM- Advanced 2 software module
4. Sectioning devices
Two Leica vibratomes VT1000S
Zeiss HM 350 microtome for wax embedded material sectioning
Cryostat - Cryo Star NX70 with CroJane tap system
Glass Knife Maker
5. Automated in situ hybridization or immuno-histochemistry labelling
Intavis InsituPro VSi automated system
6. Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter (FACS)
BD FACSAria Flow Cytometer
For more information of the equipment see respective description in the menu to the right. For introductions or questions please contact concerned contact person.
Stéphane Verger, Asisstant Professor
Anna Gustavsson, 1st Research Engineer, 25% (CLSM)
Marta Derba-Maceluch, Staff scientist (AFM, light microscopy and sectioning)
Ioanna Antoniadi, Staff scientist (FACS)
Siamsa Doyle, Staff scientist (InsituPro VSi)