1. Transformation of Norway spruce (Picea abies) by Agrobacterium- or biolistic mediated transformation of somatic embryo (SE)-cultures. N.B. The SE lab does NOT design and prepare constructs for transformation! Vectors for both transformation systems are however available at UPSC.
  2. Continued care by keeping culture through selection, bulk-up of selected, transgenic SE-culture, embryo maturation and germination, planting of germinants and acclimatization for greenhouse growth. N.B. Continued growth of transgenic plants in greenhouse is managed by the greenhouse facility.
  3. The transgenic SE-cultures can be cryopreserved and stored as an additional service. N.B. This should be decided at the start of the project.


  • Transformation, selection and propagation of selected tissue until 5-10 individual lines of somatic embryo-cultures are established (3 g of tissue): 3-6 months
  • Embryo maturation and germination until germinant (small seedling) is ready to plant ex vitro: 2-4 months
  • Acclimatization and establish growth in greenhouse: 4-6 weeks


In the standard conifer transformation method, transgenic plants are obtained through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of early-stage somatic embryos (in SE-cultures). Early-stage somatic embryos in the selected transgenic lines then progress through development in vitro through embryo-maturation and germination, resulting in an ‘SE-germinant’ that can be acclimatized and transferred to ex vitro conditions for continued growth as a plant in the greenhouse.

Transformation by biolistics is also available.

Collage of five different pictures illustrating the different steps during norway spruce transformation and propagationThe process of regenerating spruce somatic embryos from in vitro multiplication of proembryogenic masses (PEMs) in SE cultures to plants in the green house. From left: Untransformed PEMs; stable RUBY expression after selection; Mature somatic embryos generated from the stably transformed early stage somatic embryos; Germinated embryos showing RUBY; Transgenic plants from somatic embryos (photos: Sofie Johansson).


PRICE LIST (internal UPSC)

Transformation (Agrobacterium): 9000 SEK
Includes transformation and propagation until 5-10 individual lines of somatic embryo-cultures are established

Transformation (biolistics): 9000 SEK
Includes transformation and propagation until 5-10 individual lines of somatic embryo-cultures are established

Cryopreservation of somatic-embryo cultures: 2000 SEK
Cryo-pretreatment and storage at -150°C of 5-10 individual lines of somatic embryo-cultures. 8 cryo-vials of each line.

Cryopreservation of PEMs cultures: 8000 SEK
Cryo-pretreatment and storage at -150°C of 5-10 individual lines of somatic embryo-cultures. 8 cryo-vials of each line.

Culture until small seedlings in vitro: 4000 SEK
Continued culture through embryo maturation and germination until germinant (small seedling) is ready to plant ex vitro. Minimum of 30 SE-germinants per line. 1000 SEK per line

Acclimatization and start plant production: 3000 SEK
Planting of SE-germinants, acclimatization and start growth in greenhouse. Minimum of 10 established plants per line. 3000 SEK per line.

The following plant-growth in the greenhouse is the responsibility of the greenhouse facility and is invoiced accordingly.

To Place an order

Fill out the transformation request form below and submit online. Once the request has been reviewed, you will be contacted by Sofie Johansson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Request form for Spruce transformation

Contact information

Sofie Johansson: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ulrika Egertsdotter: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ove Nilsson: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.