We are the ones working at the Growth Facilities at UPSC and SLU:
Anna Brännström (foreperson):
Ann Sehlstedt:
Åsa Gavelin:
Anna Forsgren:
{tab=Rules at Wallenberg Lab}
Before a user can be granted access to Wallenberg Greenhouse they have to be registered at UPSC, have an access card from UMU (handed by KBC Service Centre) and read and sign the document "Rules and Safety Regulation" below.
The UPSC registration form is available at http://register.upsc.se
Rules and Safety Regulation for accessing Wallenberg Lab. Read the document and bring it when you sign the agreement.
Safety_rules_Wallenberg-SLU-ny.pdf201.63 KB
After the user have read and signed the Rules and Safety Regulation they will have to contact Simon Birve to sign the agreement electronically.
Access to Wallenberg Greenhouse is also granted if you attend the introduction course for the security house at UPSC.
{tab= Booking Information}
Booking information regarding Wallenberg greenhouse and climate chambers at Skogis
The Wallenberg greenhouse and the climate chambers at Skogis are run by the S-faculty and are available to all members within SLU and UPSC. External growers are welcome subject to availability. At Skogis there are six walk in climate chambers. These controlled environment chambers can be set to a range of temperature and irradiance conditions to suit individual experimental requirements. At the Wallenberg greenhouse there are 11 greenhouse rooms. The light settings are 18/6 and in two of the rooms it is possible to have daylenght regulation.Booking procedure
When you would like to make a booking please send an email to
Please note that all plants are to be treated as GMO and must be disposed of in the facilities, in double garbage bags marked GMO. Flowering GMO plants are NOT allowed in the Wallenberg greenhouse or in the climate chambers at Skogis.
Booking fee internal growers (within UPSC and SLU)
20 SEK per table and day if you take care of the plats yourself.
30 SEK per table and day if Odlingsanläggningens staff take care of the plants.
Climate chamber
120 SEK per day regardless if you or Odlingsanläggningens staff take care of the plants.
Booking fee external growers
32 SEK per table and day if you take care of the plants yourself
50 SEK per table and day if Odlingsanläggningens staff take care of the plants.
Climate chamber
120 SEK per day regardless if you or Odlingsanläggningens staff take care of the plants.